Below are steps to migrate OTPs from Google Authenticator to other providers like Authy, 1Password, Bitwarden, KeepassXC etc.

Please exercise caution when performing below task, ensure privacy and avoid being observed.

Export OTPs from Google Authenticator

Step 1: Open Google Authenticator app on your phone. Click on the three dots on the top right corner and click on “Transfer accounts”.

Google Authenticator
Transfer accounts

Step 2: Click on “Export accounts” and enter your phone’s password or fingerprint. Select the accounts you want to export. And click on “Export”.

Google Authenticator
Export accounts


Step 3: Use your phone’s/computer camera to take a picture of the QR code displayed on the screen.

Extracting OTP secrets from QR code

Step 4: Use command line tool like zbarimg to extract the OTPs from the QR code.

zbarimg -q --raw <image-file>

the above command will output otp auth migration example - otpauth-migration://offline?data= ...

Next, use Google Authenticator migration decoder to convert to otpauth format.

~/go/bin/otpauth -link "otpauth-migration://offline?data=...

above command will output otpauth format like below


Import OTPs to other providers

Now you can import the OTPs to other providers like Authy, 1Password, Bitwarden, KeepassXC etc.

Hope this helps.

– RC